Vishal Bhardwaj films may not be money spinners, but they are high on content, as is his it Priyanka Chopra '7 Khoon Maaf' has a different story to tell. The film has not only allowed good reviews but has so far won Rs.28 crore in its opening week collections ticketing and satellite and other rights.
The dark thriller about an unrecoverable cost of spouse-killer serial Rs. 22 crore, which includes money spent on advertising and publicity.
Out with 786 prints its opening collection weekend was Rs.13 crore. Overseas collections represented Rs 2 crore, music satellite rights retrieved Rs.11 crore and video, and other sources by Rs.2 crore.
"A '7 Khoon Maaf' worked well for us commercially due to a combination of producing tight budgeting, expenditures on prints and advertising optimized and presales strategy helped us to at-risk film via sales of video, music, satellite and theatrical rights before the exit" Siddharth Roy Kapur, CEO, UTV Motion Pictures, told IANS.
"7 Khoon Maaf' is based on Ruskin Bond follows the story of a beautiful girl, Anna - Marie Johannes (Priyanka), Susanna eventually Binder sevenfold node to premature and mysterious unhappy husband's death and" De Susanne seven husbands. " In the film, character of the old Priyanka 20 to 65 years.
"The response of the film was a good weekend with 78% of occupation, although it dropped 40 percent Monday, said Amit Awasthi, senior manager (programming, operations) Spice theatres."
"The first half of the film is interesting but in the second half it becomes slow. "Acting of Priyanka is being enjoyed by everyone,", he added.
The film earned good reviews and critics are raving on the Bhardwaj and acting prowess of the Priyanka Director skills.
A critic wrote: "Bhardwaj shows once again that this rare Renaissance man in an art form deserving more." Another said: "It's more fluid-narrated man Bhardwaj to date movie."
Assessing the work of the Priyanka, one critic said: "Priyanka, not for the first time, shows that it is leagues before competition all." Another wrote: "for Priyanka Chopra, who plays the Anglo-Indian protagonist is unquestionably a role of a lifetime." It has you by the eyeballs. »
Yogesh Raizada, corporate head (cinemas) wave Cinemas said each actor in the movie of their best.
Priyanka is excellent in the film, Irfan Khan and Annu Kapoor are known for their prowess acting, John (Abraham) entitled stature in the movie." In all, everyone acted in the film. Since this is a dark film, the family public is lower. Occupancy rate has been 60 to 70% over the weekend, "he said.
Ritika Sharma, a professional of the media was all praise for acting Priyanka.
"" Even though the film is a bit slow, Priyanka Chopra takes the cake. ""It is superb in the film, she says.
Ankita Malhotra, who works with a telecommunications company said: "Priyanka carries the film on his shoulders."
Multiplex public are enjoy the movie, but one public screen do not show much enthusiasm.
Public multiplex are liking the movie but audiences single screen are just average, primarily because the family public is less. "With comedy 'Married Tanu Manu' releasing Friday, the movie will certainly take a hit," said a source PVR.
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